How to be a paperback writer…

When I started publishing ebooks for Kindle last year, quite a few people asked me when the paperback versions were coming out.

This was obviously annoying.

Why aren’t you embracing the digital ebook revolution!!? I shouted (well, thought, more than shouted).

But I can’t say I’m surprised. People still cling to the feel of books, the smell of books; the notion of books as tactile pleasures. I did that my whole life before I converted to the convenience of reading great books on my iPhone and Kindle.

So I have to say that, although I think it’s highly likely that ebooks will replace dead tree books over the next few years and reduce them to the status that vinyl records currently enjoy in the world (curios for a minority of buyers, sold by specialist shops), I do also see that paperbacks still have a place in the world, and that for a while longer people will still want them.

And that’s why I’ve worked hard to make five of my titles available in paperback editions.

I published them all myself through Createspace, a service that will manufacture your paperback book POD (Print On Demand), which means you order it online and your copy rolls off a conveyor belt somewhere and is posted to you.

This is an amazing breakthrough for the indie author. We can not only publish our works as ebooks and have them distributed internationally, we can now also handle worldwide paperback distribution very easily and cheaply. No warehouse full of stock, no remainders, no garage full of books for the author.

So, for all of you who’ve been wanting to read my books but are still flummoxed by all that ebook techie stuff, here’s your chance to own an Andy Conway paperback (or five).

The Striker’s Fear of the Open Goal and Lovers in Paris have been out for a while, But they’ve now been joined by The Budapest Breakfast Club, Train Can’t Bring Me Home and a special ‘double pack’ edition of my first two Touchstone stories.

There are several ways you can order them:

  • straight from Amazon UK or Amazon US, which is probably the most convenient,
  • Or at the Book Depository site, which is definitely the cheapest (worldwide free delivery),
  • Or you can get them straight from me, signed and with a dedication of your choice.

You see I’ve ordered a small batch of each for myself and have them sitting here waiting for the next email order to appear. This might be the quickest option (if you’re in the UK) as I sign them, package them and take them straight to my local post office and they usually arrive within two days.

You can read about the titles in the links on the left to see which ones take your fancy, or just go straight to the links below and one-click order them in all their lovely papery goodness.

Each title is £9.97. If you order more than one, I’ll try to package them together.

There’s your summer reading sorted.




Please write this dedication..
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Please write this dedication..
Please mail to…

Please write this dedication..
Please mail to

Please write this dedication..
Please mail to

Please write this dedication..
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Book publishing with Createspace

Why you should publish a trade paperback [Dean Wesley Smith]

How to Make a Real Book [a Catherine, Caffeinated]

Print on Demand—What Is It? [Joel Friedlander]
How Print-on-Demand Book Distribution Works [Joel Friedlander]

Formatting a book for print with CreateSpace in Microsoft Word part 1  [Gregory Mahan]
Formatting a book for print with CreateSpace in Microsoft Word part 2 [Gregory Mahan]
Formatting a book for print with CreateSpace in Microsoft Word part 3 [Gregory Mahan]

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